Monday, April 22, 2024


Please use one of the prompts below to get your journaling started.

  • Recall a significant reaction, conversation or event.

  • Explore your fears and what’s behind them.

  • Write about a relational conflict you are experiencing.

  • List out all that you are grateful for.

Bible Text: Exodus 8:1-14

Reflection & Application

Exodus 8:1-14

  • This second plague reveals something of God’s sense of humor, as frogs were considered sacred by ancient Egyptians, and thus could not be killed. What might be God’s message to Pharaoh through this second plague?

  • What was the main difference between Pharaoh’s magicians and Moses with respect to the plague of frogs?

  • What does this reveal about the true source of help and healing when confronted with a genuine problem? What can I learn about the role of an intercessor?