Thursday, May 30, 2024


Please use one of the prompts below to get your journaling started.

  • Recall a significant reaction, conversation or event.

  • Explore your fears and what’s behind them.

  • Write about a relational conflict you are experiencing.

  • List out all that you are grateful for.

Bible Text: Exodus 19:9b-25   

Reflection & Application

Exodus 19:10-13, 21-22

  • How do all the instructions in these verses put into perspective the proper attitude I should have before a holy God?

  • Notice God told Moses to specifically tell the people, “Also let the priests who come near to the LORD consecrate themselves”.  What are some reasons why the priests might have exempted themselves from the need for consecration?

  • In light of God’s holiness as expressed at Mt. Sinai, are there ways I take for granted God’s invitation to have a personal relationship with Him?  Spend some time thanking God for his sacrifice and the gift of His mercy and grace.