Monday, September 2, 2024
Please use one of the prompts below to get your journaling started.
Recall a significant reaction, conversation or event.
Explore your fears and what’s behind them.
Write about a relational conflict you are experiencing.
List out all that you are grateful for.
Bible Text: Luke 4:31-42 (ESV)
Reflection & Application
Luke 4:31-42
Review all that Jesus did on this one Sabbath day. What picture of Jesus emerges?
Luke 4:42-43
After a full day of nonstop ministry, Jesus “departed and went into a desolate place” for a time of prayer (Mark 1:35). What are some lessons for me to draw from this?
Jesus states his life purpose in v. 43.
What is my life purpose? How does Jesus’ life purpose affect mine?